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Table of Contents


2023 #

  • Storm and inequality #

The Dark Side of Storm: Nightlight Data Analysis of the Relationship between Climate Disaster and Inequality (with Tembata Kaori and Kenji Takeuchi) (working on)

  • Climate and energy #

Impacts of Climate Change on Clean Energy Choices (working on)

2022 #

  • Energy and carbon #

Renewable Energy or Thermal Efficiency Improvement: Assessing the Carbon Mitigation Effects of Energy Choices in China (with Yimeng Du and Teng Ma)

  • Air pollution and health #

The Final 28 Days: Prenatal Exposure to Air Pollution and Child Anthropometric Outcomes (with Xintong Chen and Yuki Yamamoto)

2021 #

  • Water and energy #

Does Drought Increase Carbon Emissions? Evidence from Southwestern China (with Yijing Huang and Kenji Takeuchi)

2020 #

  • Water and health #

Impacts of Water Provision on Child Health: Evidence from Rural China (with Kenji Takeuchi)

2019 #

  • Water and migration #

Impacts of Water Scarcity on Migration in China (with Kenji Takeuchi)